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Unveiling the Power of Pushups for Biceps: A Study Guide

Pushups for Biceps

Unveiling the Power of Pushups for Biceps: A Study Guide

Pushups for Biceps

As for the development of muscular and well-shaped arms, the first movement in anyone’s mind is curls and chin-ups. However, there's an often-overlooked exercise that can significantly contribute to your bicep development: The exercises include sit-ups, leg lifts, pull-overs, and pushups. Wait, you might say, Pushups for biceps are real? To which I reply, yes, they are and can be surprisingly useful. In this article, we will look deeper into how this standard bodyweight exercise can assist you in getting the ideal arm contours.

The Hidden Advantages You Get from Pushups That Strengthen Your Bicep

First of all, let us briefly describe pushups. They are often considered exercises focusing mainly on the chest, shoulders, and triceps muscles. Although that is valid enough, pushups for the biceps are also a fact of life. The biceps stabilize the arms, particularly as you emphasize pushing down with your lower body. This curling at the biceps is likely to gain strength and bulk within the biceps, apart from normal exercises of bicep curls.

In what ways can pushups help to engage your biceps?

To understand how pushups for biceps work, we need to break down the mechanics of the exercise:

  • Starting position: When you stand as depicted in the plank position, your biceps are engaged to keep your arms straight.
  • Lowering phase: This is where the magic happens for your biceps, as pointed out by the previous contributors to this guide. After extending your arms, as you lower your body, your biceps are in a lengthening position, which makes them act as the eccentrics.
  • Bottom position: At the bottom of the push-up, the biceps are experiencing maximal activation.
  • Pushing phase: Although the chest, triceps, and shoulders are the primary muscles worked during this exercise, your biceps are also involved in helping to hold your arms in place.

This means that when you train the movement in these aspects, you can achieve the highest bicep returns in your pushups.

If you aim to develop an exquisite bicep contraction, why not try out the following pushup variations?

Now that we understand how pushups for the biceps work let's explore some variations that can help you target those arm muscles even more effectively:

  • Close-grip pushups: Put your hands right under the center of your chest but closer to each other. This variation challenges the biceps more, thus making more work for the muscle.
  • Diamond pushups: Interlock your index fingertips and thumbs to make a diamond shape with your fingers. I think this last motion, the extremely close grip, certainly aroused the biceps.
  • Incline pushups: Stand with your palms on an elevated line, such as a step or a bench. The incline angle helps to engage the biceps in the lowering phase since the inclination angle is larger.
  • Decline pushups: Place your feet on a higher surface than the one on which your legs are resting. This variation escalates the general concentration and the work handled by the biceps brachii muscles.
  • Plyometric pushups: Do the explosive pushups that result in the hands coming off the ground. The fast negative and positive phases of concentration do wonders for your biceps.

After Pushups for Biceps in Your Diet

To get the most out of pushups for the biceps, consider the following tips:

  • Frequency: Young pushups for biceps in your regimen at least twice to thrice a week.
  • Volume: As with all weight training exercises, it is recommended that you perform three sets for this exercise initially, with the repetitions ranging from 8 to 12.
  • Tempo: Slow down the lowering phase to 3–4 seconds to increase the time taken on the contact phase of the bicep.
  • Supersets: When performing exercises targeting the upper extremities, integrate pushups with regular bicep curling for a great arms’ building plan.
  • Progressive overload: Do reps, sets, or increase the difficulty on the above variations and try doing it daily as this exercise.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

While pushups for the biceps can be highly effective, it's crucial to maintain proper form to prevent injury and maximize results:

  • Sagging hips: Aim to keep your stomach muscles as tight as possible and keep the rest of the body straight.
  • Flared elbows: This is especially important for exerting more force on the biceps muscles and retaining the desired position of the arms.
  • Incomplete range of motion: The correct position for this exercise is when the lower chest touches the ground to engage the full biceps brachia.
  • Neglecting other bicep exercises: Pushups for biceps are good but don’t use them to replace your entire arm curl program.

The Science behind Pushups for Biceps

Various compound exercises, such as pushups, have also been proven efficient for the general development of muscles. A study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research discovered that pushups engaged the biceps brachii as efficiently as some of the bicep-specific exercises. Pushups for the biceps could be a great supplement to what is already present in your arm-building toolbox.

The Foods That Will Help in Your Bicep Development

No matter how much a man sweethearts his woman and she loves him back, there will be no if there is no food. Ensure you need sufficient proteins (around 1.6-2.2 grams per body weight in kilograms) to enable muscle buildup and rebuilding. Carbohydrates should not be completely avoided because they serve as the body’s main source of energy, and fats should not be avoided because they are the major components of our bodies and are needed for hormone production.

Tracking Your Progress

While integrating pushups for biceps into practice, it is crucial to keep records. Maintain records of each workout taken to record the number of repetitions and sets and the number of variations done. Make it a habit of measuring the circumference of your arms occasionally and taking photos of your arms to see your progress.


Pushups for biceps are perhaps not the first exercise you’d associate with the building of great arms, but they definitely should not be left out. Coupled with the mechanics of pushups for biceps and the various difficult variations described here, you can push your arm development to the next level.

So do not stray from it because as you continue to perform this exercise, you will soon realize its potential for developing impressive biceps. Therefore, the next time you bend down for a pushup, consider how those biceps are straining, and accept that this basic exercise also helps sculpt the arms in ways you never considered.


Will doing pushups help me gain the size of my biceps muscles or just the muscle strength?

Moreover, it can be concluded that pushups are effective in building muscle mass in the biceps, whose effect can be amplified by nutrient intake and gradually increasing the magnitude of the load.

Does one require equipment to perform pushups for the biceps?

It is simple to do pushups without any equipment. However, it’s useful to note that high surfaces can accommodate incline and decline angles for biceps training.

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